Global Missions

Global Missions

The Great Commission

We take seriously Jesus’ words found in Matthew 28:19-20, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

One way we take part in fullfilling the Great Commission is by supporting and working along side other ministries and organizations that are proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, making and training disciples, and meeting the needs of people both spiritually and physically. We currently support the following missions through prayer, financial support, and special service projects.

Supported Missions

Australian Christian Mission

Rob and Lynne Branham are both graduates of Central Christian College with a Major in Biblical Studies and a double minor in Education/Counseling. They have been in ministry for over 30 years in Missouri, Alaska, and Australia. Returning to Australia in 2007 after a 10 year ministry in Alaska they learned of the opportunity to join Australian Christian Mission to plant a new Church in Cameron Park, a residential area of Newcastle, Australia located 2 hours north of Sydney. Rob and Lynne now are the directors of Australian Christian Mission and invites you to learn more about what ACM does.

Expressions of Emmanuel

Steven and Vonda Hamilton are missionaries with Expressions of Emmanuel which is a ministry to reach the deaf for Christ. There are approximately 250 million deaf people in the world. If all the deaf people that lived on earth were put together in one place, they would be the fourth largest nation. Only one to two percent of all deaf people are Christians. Deaf people are surely an unreached group. Helen Keller who was both blind and deaf said “Blindness separates people from things, deafness separates people from people.” Does deafness separate people from God? These statistics show the church MUST take serious action to reach those who cannot hear of Him. This is our outreach.

Filipino Bible Church

Filipino Bible Church is a Christian church based in Kodiak Island, Alaska. They were able to bring a preacher from the Philippines, Jun Belen, to lead the congregation there. The church in Kodiak is now a self-supporting congregation with a membership of over 80.

Greatland Christian Camp

Greatland Christian Camp’s mission is 1) to honor and glorify God by winning souls to faith in Jesus Christ, 2) to commit them actively to His church, 3) to help them grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ, 4) to work for the unity of all Christians, and 5) to engage in the common task of enlarging the Church of Christ. To fulfill this mission, Greatland Christian Camp will engage in preaching, teaching, and service through purposeful, educational, recreational and social activities conducted in a spiritual, Christian atmosphere.

Haitian Christian Mission

Haitian Christian Mission exists to spread the good news of the gospel and to share God’s love with the people of Haiti. In the name of Jesus, we minister to thousands through our churches, schools, medical facilities and other programs. Our work is concentrated mainly in Fond Parisien and the surrounding areas but we also work in parts of Port-au-Prince and other regions of Haiti. HCM was founded by Pastor Etienne and Betty Prophete and is now under the direction of their son, Edwens Prophete.

Key Communications

Key Communications was founded by Lee Turner and is now ran by his son Jonathan. Key Communications exists to provide people, particularly from a Muslim background, with enough information to make an intelligent decision about accepting Christ.

We also help those who accept Christ to form congregations and then help equip congregations to replicate themselves. Historically, our primary focus has been the country of Pakistan. However we have been active in other countries, including Afghanistan and India. Through the Internet our reach now extends world-wide.

Travis and Becky Kilson grew up at CCA and were sent out in 2015 as missionaries to Japan. They currently live in Tokyo, Japan and work with several churches in the Tokyo area, primarily with the Machida Church of Christ.

Inspired by Jesus’ parable of a sower scattering seeds—where those seeds symbolize the word of God—we’ve embraced the name ‘Sowers.’ Just as sowers plant seeds, we too are dedicated SOWERS, actively sowing God’s word by proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to simply sow seeds while putting our trust in God, the one who gives the growth. (1 Cor. 3:6)

Literature & Teaching Ministries

LATM helps church leaders around the world produce Christian books in their language so their people can find, follow, and serve Jesus.

The people who use these books range from children enjoying a coloring book in Spanish to tribespeople singing from a hymnal in Burmese to seminary students studying church history in Polish.

· The books range in scope from simple booklets in Chinese to 40-book sets for pastors in Amharic to K-12 science textbooks in Russian.

· They range in topic from a Pioneer Bible Translators literacy primer in Vidunda to an encouragement to sexual purity in Serbian to a life of Christ in Hindi.

· They range in format from smartphone apps and eBooks to paperbacks in all sizes to hardbound library editions.

· They range in cost from less than $1.00 to over $10.00, and average $2.00 per book.

· Donations to support these projects range from pennies from a children’s Sunday school class to $20 every month from LATM Book Club members to several thousand dollars from individuals and churches to fund whole projects.

· All of that, and they only do one thing: preach Christ.

Omilus & Nan Plasir Church (HCM)

The key purpose for all of the Haitian Christian Mission ministries is to share the good news about Jesus Christ with others and to help believers in Christ grow in their faith. This work is being done through fifty-six churches each with their own pastors seeing to the spiritual needs in their communities. Nan Plasir church is one of those churches involved in the HCM outreach. The Christian Church of Anchorage personally sponsors Nan Plasir church, as well as its preaching minister, Omilus.

Pioneer Bible Translators

Pioneer Bible Translators exists to disciple the Bibleless, mobilizing God’s people to provide enduring access to God’s Word. Our vision is to see transformed lives through God’s Word in every language. The work is not finished until there are networks of churches using Scripture to grow, mature and multiply in every language group on Earth.

Over a hundred languages in South Asia cry out for the Word of God. Some are in distant places and others are overlooked just by the majority peoples or lost in the masses of people. When they are found, we train the local people to translate the Bible into their own language in order to reach those that need God the most. We work with video, audio, and written translations using everything from pen and paper to computers and cell phones so that everyone can read, see, or hear about God and his Grace in their heart languages.

Our goals are to get the Bible into every language of South Asia in a way that people, regardless of their education, wealth, or social standing, can know the Word of God.

Rapha House

Rapha House exists to love, rescue, and heal children who have been rescued from trafficking and sexual exploitation. Rapha House is a public benefit nonprofit committed to ending the trafficking and sexual exploitation of children. Founded in 2003, Rapha House continues to rescue and rehabilitate children, while bringing them to lasting freedom. “Love, Rescue, Heal” is more than a slogan to us. It’s a way of life at Rapha House.

We are Christians who take seriously the Scripture that reads: “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth” (1 John 3:18). And it is with compassion energized and sustained by love that we act on behalf of victimized children wherever we find them.