Making Disciples in Anchorage

Come visit this Sunday @ 11 am on the corner of Lake Otis & O’malley.
We look forward to seeing you!

Location Details

10800 Lake Otis Pkwy Anchorage, AK 99516


Budget Approval

We had our Annual Congregational Meeting last Sunday. We voted on the budget for the coming year and it was approved. Thank you for your interest and participation in this ministry! We are excited to see where God leads us in 2025.

Community Pregnancy Center

Community Pregnancy Center is in need of a few items to replenish their Mini Depot for their mamas & babies: You can drop off items at CPC Monday-Friday anytime between 9a-4p.

Get Connected

Get connected by serving, here are some areas you could serve in: There are many more ways to serve. See Mandy today or call her if you are interested in serving so she can get you connected with the person over that ministry.

Right Now Media

Meet your new digital discipleship resource. You now have free access to thousands of video Bible studies and supplemental materials for study individually and with groups of any size.