

Community Pregnancy Center

Community Pregnancy Center is in need of a few items to replenish their Mini Depot for their mamas & babies: You can drop off items at CPC Monday-Friday anytime between 9a-4p.

Get Connected

Get connected by serving, here are some areas you could serve in: There are many more ways to serve. See Mandy today or call her if you are interested in serving so she can get you connected with the person over that ministry.

Global Prayer Movement

Today is International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians.Join a global prayer movement for the month of November. Check out https://vom.org/IDOP

Starting a CARE Closet

We are starting a CARE closet for CCA, if you would like to donate items towards this we are looking for these things: DeodorantToothbrushesToothpasteSoapBody wipesHand sanitizersSocksHair brushesCombsHair ties/scrunchiesSmall laundry detergent There is a box in the foyer outside the sanctuary.

IDES Donations

Last Sunday, Deryl mentioned International Disaster Emergency Services (IDES) and the effort to help those in the U.S. impacted by the devastating hurricanes and subsequent flooding. IDES is a well-respected Christian organization that funnels disaster aid through local churches. CCA is sending $500 for hurricane relief from our mission’s fund. Deryl suggested that we raise some additional funds to supplement that gift. If you would like to help you can do so today. You can give online, by check or…