

Conversing With The Master and His plan.

You are “making the jump to lightspeed” in your prayer life when you learn to pray for others. Our young prayer life usually mimics a McDonald’s drive-through: “May I take your order please?” We pray like God is there to listen to us and pull our order from his warehouse. The Bible does says “make your requests known to God.” But your prayer life begins to accelerate when you begin to pray over the big items in the world that…

I want to read the Bible

Hello CCA I want to read the Bible. But you know how busy just gets in the way. I jump out of bed and I’m already behind. What if I had the Bible with me everywhere I go? At the stoplight while I’m driving, while I’m waiting in line at DMV or anywhere. Well that’s what YouVersion is. I can read the Bible anywhere. I can read the Bible and ask questions of it with friends. Last Thanksgiving Rick Elliott…

Easter Expression #11

Why I am Glad I Found Out about the Resurrection … Spring brings many of my favorite things, green trees, flowers blooming, warmer days and Easter. I love Easter because it reminds me of hope, restoration and the birth of new life. Easter is when we remember, as children of God, the new life we have been given through the resurrection I accepted Christ as my savoir as a child. I feel that the decision you make as a child…

Easter Expression #10

Why I am Glad I Found Out about the Resurrection … For a stretch of weeks, the families in our congregation have been steadily hit with death – it seems more than usual. Death, and the grieving that follows, are two of the most heart wrenching events we have to endure. Such an overwhelming sadness can break the heart, and the countenance, of the most stoic person, at the loss of a special person in their life. Death itself generates…

Easter Expression #9

Why I am Glad I Found Out about the Resurrection … I am glad I found out about the resurrection because it gives me a solid hope that I will one day live in Heaven! It’s easy to throw the word ‘hope” around. “I hope that cop didn’t see me speeding” and “I hope I win the lottery someday”. One of my daily “hopes” is that my $4.00 mocha is going to be perfectly delicious. These are actually just wishes.…

Evangelism in the Psalms

Hello CCA, Amazing to me is Evangelism in the Psalms. King David was trying to wrest his land from warring nations. Israel was hated by the Nations around them, yet God was so good and powerful, that david says, “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name, make known among the nations what he has done.” May God effect such realization and emotion among us that we cannot but tell others of his great work in Easter. May his house…

Easter Expression #8

Why I am Glad I Found Out about the Resurrection … As a person that battles with depression, I spend a lot of time focused on mistakes. Mistakes I have made in the past, afraid of mistakes I might make in the future and even mistakes that I am currently making. In an instant, I can convince myself that I am alone and that no one can possibly understand the pain and torment that I endure on a daily basis,…

Easter Expression #7

Why I am Glad I Found Out about the Resurrection … Why am I glad I found out about the resurrection? At first this felt like some sort of trick question. If you asked me to pinpoint when I found out about the resurrection there’s no way I could tell you. It’s just something I’ve known about for as long as I can remember, like Adam & Eve, Noah’s ark, or Father Abraham and his many sons (yes, I’m singing…

Easter Expression #6

Why I am Glad I Found Out about the Resurrection … There’s just so many thoughts and emotions in my mind as I write and ponder why I am glad I found out about the resurrection. What is the resurrection? What does it mean and what does it mean to me? It definitely brings joy, thinking about how Jesus conquered death and the grave. The grave and death could not hold him and as he said, rose the third day…

Easter Expression #5

Why I am Glad I Found Out about the Resurrection … I found out about the Resurrection early in life and have never doubted it. As I have grown older I have just become more convinced that it is true. In preparation for Easter, I am reading The Case for Easter by Lee Strobel. Mr. Strobel called the Resurrection the “lynchpin of the Christian faith.” And it is. Paul says that “if Christ has not been raised our preaching is…

Easter Expression #4

Why I am Glad I Found Out about the Resurrection … The resurrection is the foundation of Christianity. Because I am saved and given another chance and I have the love of the Lord on my side, someone I can talk to and pray to, that will help, and take things into his own hands and he’ll know what is best when we don’t. Cause, now I know we will be protected as long as we serve, repent, obey the…

Easter Expression #3

Why I am Glad I Found Out about the Resurrection … A wise man once told me if you believe in Christ dying on the cross and being raised from the dead three days later then everything else in the Bible is true. This was so profound to me it makes so much sense and truly simplified my faith. The resurrection is the most important event in Christianity. The resurrection proves Jesus’ divinity, this fact makes every word which Jesus…
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