Easter Expression #8

Easter Expression #8

Why I am Glad I Found Out about the Resurrection …

As a person that battles with depression, I spend a lot of time focused on mistakes. Mistakes I have made in the past, afraid of mistakes I might make in the future and even mistakes that I am currently making. In an instant, I can convince myself that I am alone and that no one can possibly understand the pain and torment that I endure on a daily basis, albeit self inflicted. There are days that it is difficult to feel like you are living, actually finding any joy in life much less sharing the good news of Jesus with anyone around you. So what does all of that have to do with the resurrection and Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice?


“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;” John 11:25 NIV.

What the resurrection means to me is that I don’t have to feel alone, that a living, breathing Savior has taken all of my sin (did you know that worrying about your mistakes is a sin?), all of my pain, all of my suffering and wants me to live. He wants my old self, my worrying self, my depressed self to die with Him at the cross. He wants to resurrect me with Him. He wants me, He loves me, He sees me, He cares for me.

To quote what I read this morning in the 7 Words From the Cross You Version Bible Plan: “The cross of Christ did not cut short his saving work. It was his saving work. There the price of our forgiveness was paid in full. There you will find the forgiveness that you need for a happy life, a peaceful death, and a jubilant resurrection.”

Jesus has never stopped saving His people. He will never stop His desire to save His people and He wants us to share in that desire to help save others, and sometimes just as important, ourselves. You can’t help others see the gift of the resurrection and His salvation if you don’t fully accept it yourself. Let Him save you, everyday…