Making Life Disciples

Making Life Disciples

Course Information

Care Net believes that “life decisions need life support,” and the church is God’s instrument to provide life support to women, men, and families to empower them to choose life for their unborn children and abundant life for their families.

James 1:27 compels us to care for orphans (who are children without fathers) and widows (who are women without husbands). Accordingly, God created His church to, among other things, fight to protect the unborn, end abortion, and strengthen families. However, according to data from The Guttmacher Institute, 54% of women who have abortions identify themselves as Christians. Research has found that 4 in 10 women were regularly attending church at the time of their abortion.

These high numbers are a challenge and an opportunity for the church to become more actively involved in saving the unborn from abortion.

Each one of us needs to know how to respond when we come face to face with someone making such a life changing decision. Equipping the church to offer compassion, hope, help and discipleship to women and men considering abortion.


We would like to offer this six session course over one weekend. If you are interested please contact Karen Vogeler or Tammy Kousanik with a day of the week and time that would work best for you so we can select a time that will work best for people’s schedules.

Karen Vogeler
Call or message at 907-570-7057

Tammy Kousanik
Call or message at 907-244-9062