2 Hopes for You

2 Hopes for You

Hello CCA ?

Happy post – Mother’s Day. I had a wonderful time with you Sunday. Remember? Do you have what it takes to be The World’s Meanest Mother?

I am heading out Tuesday morning to visit Boise Bible College for their Spring Conference and Megan York’s graduation. She was with us the last 2 summers.

I will see you this coming weekend, and I hope you will do things this week.

1. Unshakable Hope

We start the series Unshakable Hope this Sunday.
The heroes in the Bible are heroes because of one basic thing. They understood that God would not – in deed could not – break his promises. And they lived their life by those promises. You can be a 21st-century hero by believing in, and living by, the unbreakable promises of God which will produce for you unshakable hope.

When your child has a fear, you want him to know he can trust you, and you are just on the other side of the open door. You are there and no monster in the night is going to hurt him. You want him to know he can rest easy and assured and fearless because you are there and you are bigger than his monsters. God wants you to know that he is there, like that, for you. That you can rest easy you can be assured that he’s just on the other side of the open door. And He is bigger than your monsters.

Would you join a small group every Sunday morning at 10 am, and discuss what you find from the book, study questions, and video we will watch together? There are 3 small groups each Sunday.
You can buy the book on Kindle for $9.99. – (optional). I did. It’s with me everywhere I go. The study guide is optional as well. $5.99.
Watch the trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVR6RAuQ9KU
Would you host an Unshakable Hope small group during the week this summer in your home or at the church? Many people are gone a few weekends during the summer and they should have a chance to enjoy this series all the way through.

2. Marriage Night

Marriage Night is Sunday, June 9. If you are married, I hope you will register for that event hosted at CCA. Our website has details. www.christianchurchofanchorage.com Childcare provided. Dinner at 4:30. Event from 5-8 pm. You owe your future events like these. Plus you will laugh uproariously! Great way to start a week. And start your marriage fresh again. We all need that. We will be looking for host couples to greet, welcome, mingle and bring continuing help following the night.
Here’s a 1 minute trailer link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzJ_fv6RCm0
Register today through our website above. Scroll down. Click on Marriage Night, register. It will take you to marriagenight.org. Click “Attend Simulcast Event”. When you enter your zip code or current location it will direct you to our site, the only one in town. Register there ?
I hope you will have the forethought to ‘drag along’ a couple or 2 that you know who could use some marriage freshening-up. They can sit with you and feel no pressure and answer no questions, just absorb. And then they can go as far as they choose.

It takes some work to improve doesn’t it ?

Have a week that blesses those around you. After all, you carry The Spirit everywhere you go. Use Him!