Posts from 2024

Posts from 2024

Help Needed

Our Junior Church class meets during the sermon time at our 11am service. It is for kids in grades 1st-5th. We are looking for a helper for this class. You would besetting out snack, assisting the teacher with what she needs during class, help kids feel welcome, etc.

Basket for CPC Tea – April 13th

We are donating a basket for the CPC silent auction. The theme for our basket is Gardening. We would appreciate donations of items to help us fill our basket. A sign-up sheet is in the sanctuary lobby where you can sign up and note what you will be contributing (to avoid duplication). Suggested items (all items should be new) include: gloves, tools, seed packets or starters, garden décor, tool bag or apron, plant containers, gift cards to a home improvement…

Get connected by serving!

Get connected by serving, here are some areas you could serve in: There are many more ways to serve. See Mandy if you are interested in serving so she can get you connected with the person over that ministry.

Take a Sister to Eat

There is a box just outside the sanctuary, with the names of all the ladies in ourchurch. Draw a name, call her and invite her to lunch, dinner, or coffee.

Chocolate Strawberry Orders

Remember to turn in your order form this Sunday for chocolate covered strawberries, they are due by Thursday. American Heritage Girls are selling half a dozen strawberries decorated and boxed for $10. They will be ready for pick up Saturday, Feb 10th, between 1pm-3pm. Order forms are on the back table, they must be turned in to Deanna by Feb 8th.

Our children’s classes need you!

We are looking for Preschool helpers, a Junior Church teacher, and 2 helpers for the Junior church all at 11:00am. If you are interested or would like to sit in on a class to see what it’s like or have any questions please see Mandy.

Care Packages for the Homeless

American Heritage Girls are building care packages for the homeless. Here’s how you can help, they need the following donated items: combs, lotion, lip balm, tooth brushes, tooth paste, wet wipes, pocket first-aid kit, socks (adult sizes), feminine products, blankets, & copies of the New Testament. There is a box by the front door to collect donations.