January 2026
Sunday School
Sunday School Live out your faith with friends every Sunday morning starting at 10AM. There are age appropriate classes for everyone including nursery care for young children. Classes • Preschool class for kids ages 3-5 in the preschool room by thefront door.• Elementary class for kids in grades K-5 in classroom #5 in the Fellowship Hall downstairs.• Middle School and High School kids in grades 6-12 meet in the Youth Room all the way at the top of the ramps.•…
Worship Service
Worship Service Our Worship Service begins at 11AM and lasts about one hour. It is a relaxed and friendly environment so feel free to dress casual. We worship with contemporary songs and then are challenged with a message from God’s word. Adults will meet in the sanctuary and kids in the fellowship hall. Kids will go directly to the fellowship hall upon arrival and get signed in downstairs.
Ladies Bible Study (AM)
Ladies Bible Study at 10:00am on Mondays in the Gathering Room. We are studying the book of Acts.
Ladies Bible Study (PM)
Ladies Bible Study at 6:30pm on Mondays in the Gathering Room. We are studying the book of Acts.
Feb 11, 2025
3P Fellowship
Ping Pong & Pool – Tuesday’s at 10am in the Youth Room. Come and join us for a few games of pool or ping pong. There is always coffee!
Wednesday Night Alive
Wednesday Night Alive Dinner is at 6:00pm, classes for all ages will be at 6:30pm.Dinner is $5 person or $15 a family. Classes
Men’s Breakfast
Join us for our Men’s Breakfast every Friday at 9:00AM at IHOP on Old Seward (next to Lowe’s).
Women’s Breakfast
Join us for our Women’s Breakfast every Friday at 9:00AM at IHOP on Old Seward (next to Lowe’s).
Feb 14, 2025
CPC’s Diaper Depot
Community Pregnancy Center’s Diaper Depot is here at CCA on Friday from 11am-1pm. The 2nd Friday of each month people can get diapers, wipes, and formula.
Men’s Small Group
Join us every Saturday from 8:00AM to 9:00AM in the Church office for a Men’s Bible Discussion.
Mar 6, 2025
Book Club
This book club meets once a month on the 1st Thursday of the month at 6:00pm at the Taylor’s home. We are currently reading the book Eternity in their Hearts by Don Richardson and discussing it together.