2019 Men’s Retreat: Hunting & Fishing God’s Way
With Dr. Gary Johnson of E2 Elders
Feb. 22nd-23rd @ Solid Rock Bible Camp
$75 per person
Hunting and fishing are more than a sport. For us as Christian men, hunting and fishing are a mission. Do you have family or friends who are unbelievers? Do you have children or grandchildren who are far from God? Jesus called us “fishers of men,” but are we fishermen if we do not fish? In the few hours we have together, we will learn a lot about hunting and fishing…God’s way!
Session 1: Jesus on Mission
Session 2: Fishing that Works
Session 3: The Great Hunt
Retreat begins with registration at 4pm on Feb 22nd.
Please register and pay online at kenaichristianchurch.org or through their new church app.
To download their app text KENAICC APP to 77977.
See Rick Elliott or Don Hole for more info.