Faith and Tomorrow

Faith and Tomorrow

Hello Church,

The calm after the storm. Did you see the full moon this morning standing out against a clear blue sky? It was beautiful. And it reminded me of God’s truth. Yesterday was one of the hardest downpours we have experienced in Alaska, punctuated by gusty winds, lightning and thunder. Truly a day to watch it from inside.

Our lives sure experience tempests don’t they. But remember God has the next move and he is bringing a solution and it will be beautiful. If you are currently in the tempest, do not lose hope! Enlist the confidence and support of a friend and wait it out… and KNOW that God has the next vista in place for you. When you don’t know if you can ‘take it’ – go with what you KNOW. God is bringing a fresh look. “His mercies (and displays) are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3.23.

Do you remember the 3 bullet points of A DISCIPLE’S LIFE during this week? Pray for a school (tomorrow at 7 am is “See you at the Pole” where kids pray for the school year, teaches, fellow students etc.) Prepare your life (get involved in a small group, a study group; or start a group of fellow disciples in encouragement) and Expand His Reach (we are learning SHARE YOUR FAITH WITHOUT FEAR in our Disciple’s study on Wednesday night. Our new project is ‘learn to say something about God or His church to one person this week’ and learn to make it a habit with people you encounter each week).

Hope you can schedule in tomorrow at Wednesday Night Alive (dinner at 6 and study at 7).

Remember His solution is scheduled.