Hello CCA?
Paint and pull carpet:
If you could put in an hour (or 2) sometime this week to paint at the lower duplex we could use that help. And/or You could rip out some carpet as well to help the progress being made. You could call Old Rob or myself to make sure someone can let you in and give direction. All you need to bring is a smile and work clothes. All ‘giving’ goes better with a smile! 2 Corinthians 9.7 – God loves a cheerful giver (hilarious is the word we get for that).
The Promise for this week is: God gives Grace to the Humble. Chapter 6 in Unshakable Hope. Reading it in advance will help you. I have it on my phone so I utilize any spare time to learn more. Here’s a word from Max Lucado,
“Pride is poison. It hampers your relationship with God, hinders your relationships with others, and harms your relationship with yourself. God resists the proud because the proud resist God. Arrogance stiffens the knee so it will not kneel. It hardens the heart so it will not admit to sin. The heart of pride never confesses, never repents, and never asks for forgiveness. Indeed, the arrogant never feel the need for forgiveness. Pride is the hidden reef that shipwrecks the soul. It not only prevents salvation from God but also prevents reconciliation with people. How many marriages have collapsed beneath the weight of pride? How many apologies have gone unoffered due to lack of humility? How many wars have sprouted from the rocky soil of arrogance? Don’t pay the high price of pride. Choose instead to stand on the offer of Grace.”
I am sure you have learned by now that it is far more pleasant to be humble than to be humbled.
Read the account of the humbling of the mighty King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel chapter 4 of a case study in being humbled.
What checks and balances are in your life to help keep you humble?
Look for HIS blessings. Look for the people opportunities each day. God gives abundant life to us. We then have the privilege, the responsibility, to assist others around us in finding that abundant life from God for themselves. As you give out, God just refills the supply. See Luke 6.38. You will never run dry!
Blessed to bless,
Deryl Titus