Tonight and this Weekend

Tonight and this Weekend

Hello CCA ?

3 things I would have you consider:

  1. Wednesday Night Alive adult discipling study is The Responsibility to other Disciples. Memory verses are 1 Corinthians 13.4-8a. I used those this weekend when I did a wedding at Alyeska. Tonight at 6 for dinner, 7 for spiritual fitness.
  2. Friday at 7, begins our Mission’s Conference weekend. Why should I attend each session?
    1. What do I know about “The Great Commission”? Matthew 28.18-20 is the central scripture of focus for the weekend.
    2. Am I unaware that this is THE calling that Christ has put on my life?
    3. What if a am aware and aren’t sure I want it or deserve it or can fulfill it or have time for it?
    4. I am aware that Jesus wants me to engage in rescue, reconciliation and restoration. I want to learn the excitement of this job and be equipped to walk into rescue operations every day.
    5. I want to know where I am on the growth continuum and also help someone newer than me to move up in their discovery of Christ and walk with Christ.
    6. I want to bring someone with me who needs to realize just how rewarding it is to live with Christ every day and experience his abundant life which can be realized no where else.
  3. Would you listen to the following about “Emptying Ourselves” which may just be using the power of Christ within us to “pour ourselves into” other’s lives and issues needing God’s correction.

I was reading a devo from YouVersion preparing for this weekend Conference.

Here is one I read and I am still sorting out a new understanding of the great things God plans for us to do as His anointed children. I Do Not live each day feeling empowered to change someone’s world for the better. But I should. Read the following and listen to the 2.5 minute speaker at a 5000 strong staff conference (a movement dedicated to helping everyone know someone who truly follows Jesus).

Emptying Ourselves

Jesus lived in the same world we do, and asked us to mirror the life He led while here. But, what exactly does that look like? “Kenosis,” the Greek word meaning “emptying oneself,” describes Jesus’ humble approach to everyone He encountered. He gave of Himself to empower those who had no voice or standing in society. Social psychologist and professor, Dr. Christena Cleveland, explains how to apply kenosis in our own lives – just like Jesus did.

What an inspiring charge for us all. Following the footsteps of our Savior, we too can empty parts of ourselves to uplift others. Carve out some extended quiet time with God to explore aspects of your identity that give you power. Ask God to reveal people who are marginalized around you. Then pursue ways to help make space at the table for each of them.

Deryl Titus

Conference begins Friday at 7. Would you let nothing interfere?