Day 5

Day 5


I hope your week is starting off well. Attached is Day 5 for Holy Week.

It will be so different to celebrate at home on Easter this year. I love the Early Service at McHugh Creek and I will miss that terribly. Even though we don’t get to meet together this Easter, doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate. There are still things to celebrate: God is so good, God is unchanging and God is in control! In this time of change and turmoil our God is still walking alongside us.   “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”  James 4:8

CCA PANTRY – We are opening a temporary pantry at the church. Times for people are difficult right now and we would like to make a Pantry available to all church members. If you are not comfortable shopping in stores right now, or your shelves are getting a bit empty come grab what you need.  We will have some milk, eggs, bread, canned goods and some fresh meat or produce. The Pantry will be open on Saturday from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm in the front entry of the church. If you have sacks, please bring them, we will have a few onsite. Please practice social distancing guidelines and wear the recommended PPE.

If you have any non-expired food items you would like to donate, please drop them by the church this Thursday, April 9 between 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm at the main entrance.  If you would like donate food, but this time does not work, please call Stacey and she can make arrangements for another time or location.  We would like to have items for Saturday there by Thursday, so we have time to wipe down items to lessen chances of cross contamination. If you have items that need to be refrigerated or frozen, we will have access to both for storage. 

Have a great night!