It’s Wednesday =)

It’s Wednesday =)

Happy Wednesday!! Did you know it was Wednesday =)

  1. Attached is day 10 in our countdown to Easter. The days are off because for some reason the calendar doesn’t count Sundays (there are actually 12 days till Easter). There is something to do in the countdown for Sunday and I will send that on Sunday.
  2. Some other ideas in getting ready for Easter:
    1. If you are a Facebooker or Instagramer (I know terrible grammar) take pictures of you or you and your family watching the sermon online together this coming Sunday and Easter Sunday and post it on our church’s Facebook page or for Instagram use the #ccaeaster2020
    2. You can still dress up nice on Easter or make you kids dress up nice on Easter =) and watch the sermon together.
    3. Make an Easter playlist of your favorite hymns and songs that focus on the cross and His resurrection. Start listening to them this week and continue through Easter. On Easter Sunday, play them all day in your home.
  3. You can still apply for your PFD if you forgot. This is not an April Fool’s Joke =) They extended the deadline to April 30th. Go to

I can’t wait till we can all meet up together again!!!!!!