CCA will have a table in the Midtown Mall to make some Faith material available to people who take in the festivities during Fur Rondy week, February 28 – March 8.
We will have copies of “The Case for Easter” by Lee Strobel. The Bible, with suggested readings leading to understanding Grace. And our 9 session “Discipling study” that a person can use in helping a friend grow their faith.
This opportunity will plant a seed that the Holy Spirit will grow, in people of our city, people from many villages throughout Alaska and even people from various countries around the world. This local, statewide and international population is coming to our doorstep.
Imagine how God’s Spirit may use ‘just such a time as this’ (like Queen Esther found).
We need YOUR help at the table each day around noon/midday, and each evening. Beforehand, we will help you learn to handle questions and share your faith.
See sign up chart at Back Table.