Every Thanksgiving CCA participates in the citywide Thanksgiving Blessing. This year we will be collecting boxed stuffing. We need 6oz boxes of stuffing. It can be stove top or any brand. CCA’s goal is to collect 500 boxes. The last day to bring stuffing will be Sunday, November 22nd.
We also help by volunteering for the actual blessing which is on Monday, November 23rd. Things will be different this year. People will not be coming inside, they will stay in their cars and we will hand out pre-packaged boxes with all the fixings for Thanksgiving Dinner. This year the South Anchorage Blessing site is at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 13111 Brayton Dr.
Here is what volunteers will be doing:
• Packing boxes prior to Monday: putting the actual box together
and then putting the 8 cans of food and 2 packages of stuffing
in. Then stacking for distribution day.
• On distribution day the boxes will need to have gravy mix, rolls,
butter, apples and potatoes added to the boxes and be carried
outside to cars. Most volunteers will be outside. Some will be
greeting cars and seeing how many households are in the car
and how many people in the households. Others will direct
If you want to volunteer, there is a link to sign up in the email Mandy sent on Tuesday about the blessing or send Mandy an email @ ccaoffice@gci.net requesting the link.