Men’s Breakfast with Adam Meyers from Kenai Christian Church.
Saturday, September 14th, 10a-12p @ CCA. Talking about the marginalized and human trafficking in Anchorage and how you can help.
Adam is an abolitionist fighting against modern day slavery. He was brought out of ignorance while dean at summer camp when Rapha House came to speak as the missionary. Ever since he heard about child sex slavery, he has not been able to disengage his mind from this horrific reality. Instead of just dwelling in his mind or “just praying about it,” Adam has found himself on the front lines of the battle doing everything he can to find and free slaves. Starting with his “Slave Beard” movement, God has taken Adam across the world working in support roles with other abolitionists such as Rapha House, Destiny Rescue, S.W.A.T., The Exodus Road, Priceless, and UpStream.
Adam currently serves full-time as minister at Kenai Christian Church. He was born in Louisville (pronounced “Lull-vull”), Kentucky but raised mainly in Indianapolis, Indiana. His love for God and ministry eventually lead him to Cincinnati Bible College to pursue ministry and missions. Not long after marrying Karlene, the two moved to Tennessee where he finished a degree in Fine Arts/Theatre at Milligan College. In June of 2003, Adam and Karlene began planting roots in Karlene’s home state of Alaska. They are proud parents of their two sons, Jack (future Colts quarterback) & Bowe (future Colts linebacker).