New Sermon Series
Using Your Resources God’s Way starts September 30. We run our biblical finance series each October. This year we start earlier because our Missions Conference will occupy October 21. This is a good one to bring your friends.
Secret Sisters
Secret Sisters is beginning in October. Secret Sisters is a way to get to know someone different. Then you encourage and pray for them for 6 months, giving small gifts and notes all the while keeping who you are a SECRET!
Pick up a questionnaire from the Ladies Table in the foyer outside the sanctuary. Fill it out and return it to Tammy by October 7th.
New Deacon Recommendation
The CCA Elders and Deacons recommend to the congregation that we add Frank Mutchie as one of our deacons. We have interviewed him and believe he will bring healthy spiritual assets to our leadership team. If you have some questions please direct them to Frank or any of the Elders and Deacons in the next two weeks. We will have a vote of confirmation on September 30.