Finance Series Coming

Finance Series Coming

Hello CCA

God’s Resources used God’s Way get God’s Blessing.

This annual 4 week series on Finances begins Sunday September 30.

I will share 4 plans that the bible lines out for the wise servant. Start reading and preparing to maximize for this. Begin with Luke 19 verses 11-27. (you will gain more insight into Godly resources if you read the context of why Jesus introduces this parable at this time; and notice the next place on Jesus’ journey in which this lesson on finances is sandwiched).

See how many parables regarding finances you can find. Is financial success important to you? If its fun to spend everything you make then don’t waste some of it on Excedrin because of the headaches you give yourself over money.

If any of you lacks wisdom let him ask of God. James 1.5… so, ASK.

Google “what does Jesus say about money” and other ways you can think of to research resources.  ? You could become a self-made and self-studied wealthy person.

Here are the 4 plans. See if you can find them in scripture: God’s Word teaches you 4 plans for using the resources He entrusts to you:

  1. Spending Plan
  2. Giving Plan
  3. Saving Plan
  4. Global Investment Plan

I will have you build your ’19 Resource Plan during this series.

God is blessing you to bless the entire world.

Deryl Titus

If you read this far:

Would you send me your success stories of using God’s resources God’s way. (i.e. how this series has helped you make better choices)

And secondly, would you send me questions that might be addressed in this series.
And thirdly, what plans do you hope to incorporate during this series?
All names will be withheld unless I talk to you personally ?

Here is a sample budget worksheet that you can use to start fine-tuning your available resources.