News you can use beginning tonight

News you can use beginning tonight

Hello Church,

1. Wednesday Night Alive adult class is the final lesson on Making Disciples, The Disciple’s Reproduction of Maturity. You will see the process we go through of helping someone deepen their walk with The Lord and the profiles of those who lead others along and become Disciple Makers themselves. Would you find out more about your place in helping people grow as a Disciple?

2. This Sunday has 2 remembrances: Veteran’s Day and Orphan Sunday. Veterans protect and serve our country and are highly appreciated for that. They protect and serve more than just our country, but are protectors in many places around our globe. Orphan Sunday is new to me. It too is about protecting the defenseless. Here is a quote about how it got started, and has since spread to the US and Alaska. “Orphan Sunday came as a gift from the Church in Africa. While attending a church service in Zambia, an American visitor witnessed the local pastor’s passionate call to care for orphans, in a community that had been ravaged by AIDS and poverty. During that first ever “Orphan Sunday,” as the service ended, one after another the people stepped forward giving out of their own need, offering their food, and some even taking off their own shoes and placing them in the offering basket for orphans.”

Here are 2 links, local and national.

3. I hope you are researching Thanksgiving with me this season. I am finding this a most useful reminder of how I want to live my life not just a month each year. Here’s a link with practical information:

That is enough to chew on for now. Start there and tomorrow I will detail some very useful Bible material I just became aware of.

God bless and prepare for the Thanksgiving Blessing and Offering for our CCA Missionaries in December.