PFD Challenge

PFD Challenge

Generosity is one of God’s 4 principles for wisely using the resources He entrusts to us. I look forward to sharing those in October and show you how to build your 2020 Resource Plan in a Biblical way.

Here are 3 giving requests for the end of the year:

  1. Would you consider applying some of your PFD giving toward our goal of hiring an Associate Minister. $20,000 would enable us to bring one or two candidates up for an interview and introduction and get a compensation package started.
  2. We contribute at least $1000 in cash and food for the Citywide Thanksgiving Blessing in November.
  3. Every year we gather over $3000 as a Christmas Offering for our CCA Missionaries in early December.

Thank you for your Generosity this year so far and thank you for your help towards these three requests. Deryl Titus and our Elders.