Rock Solid Finances

Rock Solid Finances

Hello Church ?

We are starting our Biblical Finance class this Wednesday. It will be the next three Wednesdays in a row 6:30 to 7:45 at my house. I will have budget hardcopies available and a link below to get an electronic version from our website. Download it, give it your own filename, save it to your computer and begin filling in your details of income and expenses. Come prepared with your monthly bills written down. You can bring your laptop and work right from our home.

We will watch a video from RightNow Media with the clear steps to a peaceful partnership with Money. I love teaching this!

There are 5 tabs with different features.

Or go to: Resources. Sample budget worksheet

What will happen when you invite God’s advice on properly handling the resources he supplies:

You will find wasted money.
You will get out of debt.
You will have encouragement from fellow adventurers.
You will never again have to resort to “plastic”.
You will tell your money what to do in 2022.
You will enjoy the ability to be extravagantly generous.
God will find you using his resources better and he can then entrust you with more. (just this last benefit makes me wonder why everyone doesn’t include God in their finance – he owns everything and loves to bless his faithful children with more).

Let me know your plan to join us so Kelly can have refreshments prepared.

Love you all,

Deryl Titus

Best done in person. If you cannot possibly attend, you can Zoom it with us.

Let me know.