Sermons from July 2023
Life on the Edge of Your Comfort Zone – Part 4
1. God teaches Jonah about compassion. 2. Our compassion should mirror God’s. 3. Answer the call for compassion by imitating Jesus. What does your response to others’ sin say about your faith in Jesus?
Life on the Edge of Your Comfort Zone – Part 3
1. A Message Given by God 2. A Message Received by Sinners 3. A Response Made by Both Do we avoid sharing the Gospel because parts of it make us uncomfortable?
Life on the Edge of Your Comfort Zone – Part 2
1. Jonah’s Psalm of Thanksgiving to ______ God. 2. A Thanksgiving Psalm of ______ God’s Deliverance. 3. _______________ our God’s mercy for those who don’t deserve it. What song or prayer of thanksgiving will you sing to God next?
Life on the Edge of Your Comfort Zone – Part 1
1. Jonah’s Discomfort Led to Disobedience 2. Are We Too Comfortable? 3. Uncomfortable Obedience Affects Others. In what way have you been uncomfortable with Jesus’ call in your life?