Hello CCA,
We are using this week as a church-wide time of fasting and prayer for Easter. My wife and I started this morning and I am looking forward to this time with you. I encouraged you to call a group of friends to meet with you in your home sometime this week and pray together. I hope you will do that. Let me know of your plans.
There is nothing regulatory about this. You can fast a meal and pray. Or a day, and use those free times to pray. Or, some time of your own choosing. Make it meaningful to your family and circumstances.
Here’s a prayer idea for your list to pray about and learn from: As Kelly and I began this morning I wrote notes on my thoughts. I was freshly aware of thinking about God hearing me, wanting to hear me. The Great One of the Universe, giving heed to my praise and my requests for his action. I was talking to the Owner and Director of all Eternity; Creator and God. He has made himself known to us; He is there and he is working on our behalf. This means that earth and struggle and finality is not all we can know and have. We have a future with God, and he desires to live with us each day. Rejoice as you pray this week. Involve your kids and your friends; maybe some believers in your workplace.
Let me know the discoveries you make this week as you fast and pray. Pray with Expectancy.
More tomorrow.