“The Last Supplement”

“The Last Supplement”

Hello CCA,

This is the last day of 2018. The weather has been forcing the year out! The roar of the storm and wind got me up early this morning.

The power of quakes and storms has keep us watching (and maybe nervous?)

Maybe ‘watchful’ is a good thing. Luke 21.36 says, “Keep Watch…” Jesus will return for His Church. We want to be ready for that and help people in our city become ready.

Here’s a reminder of yesterday’s message (you may have missed it due to holiday vacations and blizzard warnings):

  • Finish strong, because you aren’t finished yet. What are you going to take with you from ’18 and what are you going to leave behind?  Leave behind regret and missed opportunities. Find the lesson from those. God is not finished with you yet! He loves you, pardons you and has a mission for you.
  • You want to build your life on what builds your life. At the end of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 7.24-8.1) Jesus says a wise person has listened to what he said (the messages in the Sermon on the Mount chapters 5-7) and will begin to apply them to his everyday life. There is your success and accomplishment strategy: Listen to Jesus and apply it to how you now live.
  • Following the ‘Jesus way’ takes you through the inevitable storms. Both the Wise and Foolish will have storms. The Wise Man will survive them and even thrive because following Jesus takes us through the storms of life to the other side. Jesus prepared himself for the storms he would face and he didn’t give up or ‘give in’ to any of them. Sinful people sought his attention and he kept his obedience to The Father. That will help me. Sinful people will seek my downfall and some will seek my help in finding their own faith. Be ready for both.
  • Choose carefully which crowd you follow. The crowd you follow will take you where you end up. Make your main connections with people of faith. They will help you arrive where you really want to arrive. Worship times, small groups meeting at church and in homes. Maybe start a Jesus group in your home.
  • Make a list of what you want to see this year (start with the end in mind): I want to … start making interest instead of paying it, start a family devotional time/bible reading time right before bed with my kids, become regular in my prayer life / Bible training / witnessing to my friends / giving to Kingdom work / etc.
  • Then consider what you can do to see those goals appear.

Thank you for a year of generosity! I said yesterday that the preliminary tally of church finances was about $5000 short for the year. The offering yesterday was $4900+. You let God speak to you. That’s good and wise. Thank you! If your giving goal for the year was not what you intended it to be, you can give online through the website. www.christianchurchofanchorage.com

“May the Lord bless you and protect you.

May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.

May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.’ Number 6.23-26 (a commanded blessing on God’s people)


There is more this year. God is at work. Watch for His fingerprints upon your life