Update on Associate Minister Applicant:

Update on Associate Minister Applicant:

Jason and Shelly and their kids, will be here July 6-15. Jason will
speak and be available numerous times over the weekend of July 10-13.
Would you try to schedule in a time from Friday night to Monday night to be available to watch a zoom session or come to a session over that weekend.

After their visit, the elders will discuss whether to offer him the position and inform the congregation. If they are recommending Jason for hire, the
congregation will have 2 weeks to pray and ask questions before we have a
Congregational vote. This is a perfect opportunity for your personal
investment in the future of CCA in our city. Please try to make it a priority to
hear him and visit with him. Further details are being worked out. We won’t be able to have childcare or serve food like we normally do.

Moms in Prayer
Work Day