your church’s plans to help reduce risk

your church’s plans to help reduce risk


Hello Church 

There is maybe a response spectrum from Fear to ‘Forget It’. We are going to include a page, at the conclusion of this email, of adjustments that we are planning to implement. You can help Anchorage!

  1. Emotions can spiral when talking about COVID-19. Remaining calm and sticking with known facts may help someone who is not thinking clearly or speaking with emotional tones. This is a good time to use Proverbs 15.1 – “a gentle answer turns away wrath.”
  2. Talk with your children about good hygiene for themselves and to protect others as well. The hand-washing, cover sneezes/coughs, not touching nose/mouth/eyes (entry points). Children learn good health from parents who talk about this. God said in Deuteronomy 6.7, “talk to your children about ME.” TALK – it is the prescribed way to spiritual health and emotional/physical/mental health. God’s purpose for humans as stated in Mark 12.30 is whole body well-being; heart, soul, mind and strength. A love relationship with God leads to that well-being. Help your kids lead healthy, productive lives.
  3. This time in our history is a great time to help people find God. May your confidence in God’s presence and power assist your witness to others who have no source like you do. Pray for the right words said in attractive manner: Colossians 4.6 – “Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.”
  4. We know that there will continue to be fall-out from these effects. Your neighbors and co-workers may need help if they become sick or short on funds. I saw on the “Nextdoor” app, that a lady offered to grocery shop for those not be able to get out. This is a Christian opportunity to demonstrate the love of Jesus that transforms. Make your own phone calls to those you know are in need emotionally or physically.
  5. Here are the CCA adjustments as of 3/13/20:

Christian Church of Anchorage Announcement

From Elders and Staff at CCA

We believe it is crucial to be informed, sensitive and wise in the way we approach the spread of coronavirus, or COVID19. It is equally crucial that we conduct ourselves in a way that reflects our confidence and trust in God who offers hope regardless of circumstance. We encourage you to take this as an opportunity to display peace rather than panic, prayer rather than fear.

1.       As of 3/13/20, all scheduled Sunday and Wednesday Services will continue as normal.

2.       Our Wednesday night meal serving will be altered to minimize the potential spread of COVID-19 through community handling of food, serving utensils, plasticware, etc.

  • A server will fill your plate and distribute utensils.
  • Bottled water will be available.

3.       When you greet others, we suggest you use a smile and a wave rather than a handshake or hug; our greeters will be doing the same. 

4.       We will implement a new communion service by:

  • Discontinuing passing the communion trays.
  • Providing 2 stations at the front of the sanctuary and another at the rear, where you can partake of communion.
  • Make every effort not to touch adjoining cups as there has been space provided on each side of the cup you will choose.
  • The communion bread will be in a cup underneath the juice cup.  Please grab astacked “set” of communion and partake at or near the station and then immediately dispose of your plastic cups in the nearby receptacle.

5.       Our Children’s Ministries are remaining diligent in their precautions and sanitizing.  As always, please do not bring your child to services or activities if they are running a fever or showing signs of any infection.

  • We are encouraging any volunteers and staff members to stay home if they are feeling unwell. This being said, we appreciate your grace for any lower coverage in classrooms that may occur.

If you would like more information about the virus and proper prevention measures, we recommend visiting the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website:

In The Kingdom,
Deryl Titus