Christmas Mission Offering

Christmas Mission Offering

Every Christmas we take a special offering to bless the missionaries of the missions we support. The offering we take will go directly to the missionaries and preachers to bless them and show them that we are thinking of them during Christmas. This offering will mean something extra special to them this year during the pandemic. Many of our missions have lost support during this time, because people have lost jobs, churches have lost income it all trickles down.

These are the missionaries we will be sending money to:
Steve & Vonda Hamilton– Expressions of Emmanuel
Steve & Betty Prophete– Haitian Christian Mission
Jean Hermilus Omilus—preacher at Nan Plaisir church in Haiti
Rob & Lynne Branham—Australian Christian Mission
Robert Rees – Translator with Pioneer Bible
Travis & Becky Kilson—Kilson’s in Japan
Jun & Annie Belen—Preacher at Kodiak Filipino Bible Church
Doug & Carol Reed—Literature and Teaching Ministries
Jonathan & Fawn Turner– Key Communications
Lee Turner—Key Communications

We will take the offering next Sunday during the worship service. You can
give online through PayPal or in person, or mail a check in.