Day 6. Prayer and Fasting.
- Pick the meals and days you will fast. Use that time to pray.
- When something or someone comes to your mind, speak a word or two to The Lord right then! Learn to have an immediate contact with God. Maybe think of it as ‘texting’. A short note of what you want to convey. God loves our thoughts during the day. He is always ready to dispense his justice and attention to our requests.
- Pray in circles. Concentric circles. Expanding circles like ripples in a pond.
- List what you want God to do. “I will do whatever you ask in My Name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.” Jesus (John. 14.13)
What has God already answered for you this week? I have 5: I wanted to get in touch with the Principle of Bowman Elementary to begin CCA student mentoring. We will start in September. Informing you will begin Sunday. God provided a joyous answer to something that has been stalled and worrisome for nearly 2 years. So now I know how to proceed (and, this answer provided a way for Kelly and I to answer part of Travis Kilson’s requests in their mission work in Japan). 4th, I received some additional insight as to how God positioned us in our new home for advancing his kingdom. 5th, the duplex is proceeding well as we prepare a short term home for an Associate Minister.
Share your testimony of answered prayers.
Friday, August 30. Pray for the upcoming Sunday worship. Read Colossians 1:3-12.
- That God’s house would be full. Read Luke 14.23.
- Your church: leaders, teachers, preacher, choosing Associate. CCA ministry and resources directed to Anchorage and beyond. Brothers and Sisters in Christ. What do we Have in blessings and resources? What do we Lack and Need?
- That the lessons, worship and message would touch people’s lives in exactly the way we each need.
- Use your church directory and pray for the needs and wellbeing of your brothers and sisters. Text or call Mandy to get one electronically you can store on your phone. Listen for needs as you talk with people.
- Pray for the work, fruitfulness and needs of our Missionaries. Pick 3 today and learn all you can about them. Use the pages you picked up on Sunday.
May God bless your day so you have surplus to bless someone’s day. Make 3 people smile today.
Deryl Titus
“O Lord, answer me! Answer me so these people will know that you, O Lord, are God and that you have brought them back to yourself.”” Elijah on Mt. Carmel. 1 Kings 18:37 NLT
Here are our Specific requests for our prayers these two weeks:
- That our Sunday school classrooms would be filled with eager excited children and dedicated teachers.
- That every class of students would be taught that they have a mission from God to fulfill.
- That every believer at CCA would learn their spiritual gift and use it with enthusiasm for God’s work.
- That God would appoint the right man to lead CCA further, in love for God and spreading God’s fame beginning in Anchorage and throughout the world.
- That our resources would increase $2500 each month, so we can pay a family to live here and help lead.
- Reduce the crime rate in Anchorage and increase spiritual interest shown by church involvement.
- Pray for our Back to Church weekend (September 14,15) as we address human trafficking and at-risk lives in Anchorage and that attendance would double beginning then.