Why I am Glad I Found Out about the Resurrection …
I am glad I found out about the resurrection because it gives me access to God’s gift of eternal life. Through belief in Christ Jesus our Lord, I can have a direct and everlasting relationship with God. Knowing that God loves me and wants to have a relationship with me forever brings joy to my heart and peace to my soul.
The resurrection demonstrates how strongly God wants to bring us closer to Him. Out of His love and desire to have a relationship with us, God sent his Son Jesus to live among mankind and provide us with a pathway to heaven. Jesus willingly participated in His crucifixion out of His desire to heal and forgive mankind’s sin. After paying the wage of our sin through His death, Jesus returned to life again! His resurrection proves Jesus is the Son of God and fulfills God’s promise. The resurrection is God’s gift of love, forgiveness, and eternal life!