Hello Church.
The healing of lives and the destiny of lives, lies in the responsibility of Christ’s church. We have the command from our King to heal brokenness. We hold the answer to brokenness in helping people find The Lord of Life. And we possess the power to change lives through the Holy Spirit. Would you continue in your prayer mode of praying for the people of CCA to significantly impact the people of Anchorage to find and follow Jesus. When they do, our city will be better.
- Keep praying that this weekend (which is a Back to Church national event) will draw people who had given up on church to decide to reengage.
- Would you pray that we see the signs of hurt people around us and discover how we can provide God’s help.
- Would you have a conversation with some people around you about Christ, his church and God’s clear desire to give them a blessed life?
- Men, would you attend the men’s breakfast at 10 am in the Fellowship Hall, with Adam talking about human trafficking? My hope is for you to be aware, be part of the solutions, reduce the clientele, and confront this affront to the value of life. Bring your teenage sons. They will hear words like pornography, but they already hear it. It will be toned to their ear levels. Call me if you have a question.
- Would you schedule in Sunday morning at 10 and 11 with Adam. Read his bio about why I asked him to come and talk with CCA.
- Did I say, would you pray at each meal time, and as you close the day with your family, to pray for the following things we are asking God to provide:
Our united requests for God’s actions these two weeks:
1. That our Sunday school classrooms would be filled with eager excited children and dedicated teachers.
2. That every class of students would be taught that they have a mission from God to fulfill.
3. That every believer at CCA would learn and use their spiritual gift with enthusiasm for God’s work.
4. That God would appoint the right man as our Associate Minister to lead us further, in our love for God and spreading God’s fame beginning in Anchorage and throughout the world.
5. That our resources would increase $2500 each month, for salary for Associate Minister.
6. Reduce the crime rate in Anchorage and increase spiritual interest through church involvement.
7. That our Back to Church weekend address human trafficking and at-risk lives in Anchorage and that attendance would double beginning then. September 14,15. 8. That the specific and current needs of each CCA Mission will be met.
Keep these links so you can access the 7 circles of prayer and the list we are asking God to miraculously accomplish.
The best we can do with our life is to give the best of our life to the service of God… people will thank you and so will Jesus upon his return.
For The King and His Kingdom,