Sermons by Roy Meyer (Page 3)

Sermons by Roy Meyer (Page 3)

Have You Heard About the King?! (Part 1)

Mark 1:1-8 Jesus is claiming to have the top spot in your life. How have you prepared that spot for Him? If you have already given that spot to Him, how are you helping others prepare for Him?

Our Purpose – As a Church

I. The Church in the NT was full of __________. II. The Church in the NT was full of ___________. III. the Church in the NT was full of _____________. What is your next step to grow as a disciple of Jesus here at CCA?

Our Purpose – As a Family

1. The Family was ____________ by God. 2. Parenthood ____________ to God. 3. All relationships are ___________ in God. In what ways are your relationships revealing God to others?

Life on the Edge of Your Comfort Zone – Part 2

1. Jonah’s Psalm of Thanksgiving to ______ God. 2. A Thanksgiving Psalm of ______ God’s Deliverance. 3. _______________ our God’s mercy for those who don’t deserve it. What song or prayer of thanksgiving will you sing to God next?