today is pray for AK

today is pray for AK


Hello Church 

“Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.”

Psalms 5:3 NLT

Today we pray for Alaska. We are called “the land of the midnight sun” but our state is shrouded in spiritual darkness. Our enemy desires our destruction and at least our being crippled so we are ineffective and impotent. May God begin a fresh move of the Spirit so people find Christ and learn his blessings for their life and family.

Taken from our website link  go there to find each day’s guide.

Thursday, September 5. Pray for Alaska.

Our Leaders; taking us to the right places, economically and spiritually.

Our Towns and Villages. Get a map that includes the towns and villages. Pray those communities would be united and that strong churches would be in every place. CCA has connected with leaders in 2 villages this summer. May more be led to our door for us to encourage spiritually.

Here are reports and specific requests I received from leading people in cities and villages in Alaska.

I texted them:

“Good morning. We are praying for Alaska today. Anything we can pray for you and/or the community? Tell the family hello. Thinking of you guys. Deryl”

Sleetmute: Good morning. Thanks for the prayers. Please pray that the believers in Sleetmute would understand and call upon the spiritual authority of Jesus Christ to help them flee from all addictions, strongholds, and the sin which so easily entangles us. And may that freed be contagious to those who aren’t seeking Christ right now.

Thank you! 

Nunapitchuk: Yes we have a couple of things that have been heavy burdens on our hearts lately.

As for our community many of us have been praying for spiritual and emotional calm as PFD approaches. It is usually heart breaking in the villages out here for about a month due to the number of people that drink up their PFD, and the kids in the homes that suffer through seeing their parents drunk and aggressive.

For us we are praying through best options for Hannah and the girls as the pregnancy progresses. We haven’t found exactly what we are looking for in a home in Anchorage yet, and Hannah is concerned about being there without family around. She is leaning towards wanting to spend the second half of the pregnancy in Louisiana with her family since she can’t stay out in the village due to health concerns.

What can we join you in praying over for your family and congregations?


1. That we would be evangelistically effective.

2.  That our 22 small groups launching this fall will be healthy and impactful.

3.  That we could pay off our building mortgage quickly. 

4.  Our excellent part time children’s minister moves in June (he is army).  We need a smooth transition to the right person (whoever that is).

Thanks for praying for us.

Kenai: Healing and pray for our new Vision, Missions, and Values to be completed soon. We have our first meeting to begin the process of VMV this Saturday. Thanks brother!

Kotzebue: Good to hear from you.
* Pray that God will continue to guide our children.  A couple legal issues looming. (they had adopted 2 girls from Haiti – DT)
*Pray that Amy will have peace and reassurance in her director position.
*I have a buddy who I am sharing Christ’s salvation with and he is going through a hard time now.  Pray that he can find healing and power over life’s issues through him.

May The Kingdom reach into dark places.