We Edge Ever Closer to Easter

We Edge Ever Closer to Easter

Hello CCA,

We edge ever closer to Resurrection Day, Easter. It is this Sunday. Thinking about the Resurrection before its celebration arrives helps our anticipation level to rise. This morning as I read through Psalm 146 I noticed this truth, the Resurrection directs our living practices. It says, blessed is a person whose God is The Lord. Then it explains our God; he made the heavens and the earth. He is faithful to us always. Then it describes his attention to the desperate: justice for the oppressed, food for the hungry, releases those imprisoned by (fill in the blanks), enables the blinded to see, lifts the discouraged, loves the righteous, protects the displaced and the fatherless and widows. If he is our God, then his qualities are to become ours. Then it says he thwarts the plans of the wicked. Could it be that your plans fail because you ignore his plans and his ways? If you think you can circle around God, your plans and success will fail! Finally it ends on the note that draws us back to our life practices: ‘The Lord will reign forever!’ The Resurrection directs our life because it proves that God will reign. We want to be in his reign, so we live with God as our God.