Posts from 2019 (Page 4)

Posts from 2019 (Page 4)

Pray for the staff and students of Middle School and High School camp

Hello CCA, Would you take this moment to pray for the campers and staff at our Middle School and High School week. There are 42 campers who have the opportunity to hear God in the unique environment of a week of Camp. Here’s a prayer idea: that God would do a ‘breakthrough’ in each child’s mind and heart. That they would see in a fresh way, Who God is and what He can be in their life. That each would…

Guest Speaker Sunday 7th

David Davolt (our guest speaker today) is the Director of Development at Boise Bible College. Deryl asked how CCA could help BBC, David said “ by helping the Church grow” we can help Boise Bible College by financially giving to help them prepare the next generation. Boise Bible College develops well-equipped leaders for the Lord’s church who maintain a servant’s heart, live with integrity, and hold a Biblical worldview as they serve the church. We excel in preparing Christian leaders…

Sunday Movie Night

Hello Church! This Sunday night we are going to show a movie called Remember the Goal. A new female coach fresh out of college takes over the cross-country program at an all girls private Christian school and tries to lead them to their first state title. As they begin to train for this, the top 5 five runners each deal separately with a particular issue in life related to teens. As each of these stories unfold, so does the wisdom…

paint and prepare your week

Hello CCA? Paint and pull carpet: If you could put in an hour (or 2) sometime this week to paint at the lower duplex we could use that help. And/or You could rip out some carpet as well to help the progress being made. You could call Old Rob or myself to make sure someone can let you in and give direction. All you need to bring is a smile and work clothes. All ‘giving’ goes better with a smile!…

This Sunday

Hey Church! Hope you are having a great day!! This Sunday, June 23rd we have special speakers, Expressions of Emmanuel, with us for Sunday School and worship. Expressions of Emmanuel are missionaries to the deaf. They do dramas, songs and skits. They are super fun to watch! They just spent the week out at Jr. Camp with our 3rd-5th graders. Look at our Facebook or Instagram pages for pictures of Deryl dressed up at camp working with Expressions of Emmanuel…

Parachutes Teen & Resources Club

Parachutes Teen & Resources Club is a drop in center for teens 13-18. They have video games, pool, computers, ping pong, a small café, special events and most importantly caring adult volunteers who want to share their lives with teens. Parachutes is a place where teens can feel safe from the hardships of life. The teens that come in, come from diverse backgrounds and ethnicity, but the common thread with many is that they have an unstable or unhealthy home…

Jr Camp food

Hello Church! I hope you have been enjoying the sunshine the last few days! I just got a list of food that is needed for Jr. Camp which starts on June 16th which is about a week and half away. If you are able to pick up one of these items we would really appreciate it! You can bring it to church this Sunday or next or drop it off during the week. Please let me know if you are…

Sunday 10am Small Groups

Hello CCA? This Sunday is Promise #3: You are an Heir of God. Here is the key verse: “And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God’s glory.” Romans 8.17 NLT. My promise: I will live out of my inheritance not my circumstances. Think about inheritance. Have you seen the bumper sticker on the RV that says, “I am spending my children’s inheritance?” “You will never exhaust God’s resources.…

know your calling

Hello Church? Did you see God’s fingerprints all over your weekend? Did you know that is what he wants for you? Tomorrow night, we will finish a good study we have discussed regarding our work. Here’s a bio of the author: Sebastian Traeger is an author and a businessman. He has co-authored a number of books including The Gospel at Work, Lay Elders, Pastoring Christians for the Workplace. Sebastian has spent years starting and building various businesses. He has co-founded…

This Sunday

Hello Church, Memorial Day weekend is approaching. Even if you will be out of town, don’t remain out of touch. We have stared a series of great value for you to keep up with, Unshakable Hope. Read chapter 3 “The Devil’s Days Are Numbered”. Unshakable Hope, by Max Lucado, is available on Amazon in hard copy or kindle. I put it on my phone for immediate and continual access. If you missed last Sunday, the first lesson and promise is…

WNA – sharing the Gospel at work

Hello Church, Tomorrow’s lesson from The Gospel at Work series, is entitled: Sharing the Gospel at work. This is going to provide some good ideas and encouragement to practice what you know God wants you do and which could bring Eternal Life to your co-workers. Here’s a scripture they will use and a word for you to think about: 2 Corinthians 5.17 ff – So then, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; what is old has…

Graduation Potluck

Just a reminder that this Sunday is our graduation potluck and celebration for Jayden and Skye. Please bring a main dish and a side dish to share. Foods they like are Mexican, lasagna, and artichokes. I have specific people bringing cheesecakes, so we are good with those. See ya Sunday!