Posts from 2018 (Page 7)

Posts from 2018 (Page 7)

Tomorrow Morning is our Day of Celebration!

Hello CCA, Tomorrow morning is our Day of Celebration! We celebrate the best news that the world has ever heard. I and others, have been praying that tomorrow will, in a way you need, bring you closer to the awesome work that God accomplished in Christ by raising Him from death. We have been praying that those who come to worship who are still on the curious side will hear precisely what they need to hear for The Resurrection to…

Make Easter as Big a Holiday as Christmas

Hello CCA, I have been letting people know that CCA is starting a process of making Easter as big a holiday as Christmas. And it will be a process. Maybe we should invent an Easter tree to decorate? If you have thought of some ideas to display the celebration of the Christian’s best day of the year, send back a brief email or text. We posted a Happy Easter plaque on our garage door frame, but it feels anemic. There…

Easter Expression #10

Why I am Glad I Found Out about the Resurrection … For a stretch of weeks, the families in our congregation have been steadily hit with death – it seems more than usual. Death, and the grieving that follows, are two of the most heart wrenching events we have to endure. Such an overwhelming sadness can break the heart, and the countenance, of the most stoic person, at the loss of a special person in their life. Death itself generates…

Easter Weekend Info

Hello Church! Here is what is going on this Easter weekend: Tomorrow night at 7pm we are having a Good Friday service. It will be about an hour long with singing and a message from DT. *Parking will be tight on Friday night so park in the north lot or at Frank and Angel’s house (their house is behind the duplex) Sunday: 8am Early Service at McHugh Creek. McHugh Creek is milepost 111 of the Seward Hwy, not too far from…

Easter Expression #9

Why I am Glad I Found Out about the Resurrection … I am glad I found out about the resurrection because it gives me a solid hope that I will one day live in Heaven! It’s easy to throw the word ‘hope” around. “I hope that cop didn’t see me speeding” and “I hope I win the lottery someday”. One of my daily “hopes” is that my $4.00 mocha is going to be perfectly delicious. These are actually just wishes.…

Evangelism in the Psalms

Hello CCA, Amazing to me is Evangelism in the Psalms. King David was trying to wrest his land from warring nations. Israel was hated by the Nations around them, yet God was so good and powerful, that david says, “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name, make known among the nations what he has done.” May God effect such realization and emotion among us that we cannot but tell others of his great work in Easter. May his house…

Easter Expression #8

Why I am Glad I Found Out about the Resurrection … As a person that battles with depression, I spend a lot of time focused on mistakes. Mistakes I have made in the past, afraid of mistakes I might make in the future and even mistakes that I am currently making. In an instant, I can convince myself that I am alone and that no one can possibly understand the pain and torment that I endure on a daily basis,…

Countdown to Resurrection Day Continues

Hello CCA ? Count down continues for Resurrection Day! Today I asked the lady at the front desk of a Rehab facility that Dad was in, “What do you have planned for Easter?” I was saddened by her response, “Nothing really; I am going to brunch at Settler’s Bay with some friends of the my family, but that’s all.” Here are some thoughts I wrote down in my ever-present memory back, the notepad on my iphone: If you believe the…

Easter Expression #7

Why I am Glad I Found Out about the Resurrection … Why am I glad I found out about the resurrection? At first this felt like some sort of trick question. If you asked me to pinpoint when I found out about the resurrection there’s no way I could tell you. It’s just something I’ve known about for as long as I can remember, like Adam & Eve, Noah’s ark, or Father Abraham and his many sons (yes, I’m singing…

We Edge Ever Closer to Easter

Hello CCA, We edge ever closer to Resurrection Day, Easter. It is this Sunday. Thinking about the Resurrection before its celebration arrives helps our anticipation level to rise. This morning as I read through Psalm 146 I noticed this truth, the Resurrection directs our living practices. It says, blessed is a person whose God is The Lord. Then it explains our God; he made the heavens and the earth. He is faithful to us always. Then it describes his attention…

Easter Expression #6

Why I am Glad I Found Out about the Resurrection … There’s just so many thoughts and emotions in my mind as I write and ponder why I am glad I found out about the resurrection. What is the resurrection? What does it mean and what does it mean to me? It definitely brings joy, thinking about how Jesus conquered death and the grave. The grave and death could not hold him and as he said, rose the third day…

Easter Expression #5

Why I am Glad I Found Out about the Resurrection … I found out about the Resurrection early in life and have never doubted it. As I have grown older I have just become more convinced that it is true. In preparation for Easter, I am reading The Case for Easter by Lee Strobel. Mr. Strobel called the Resurrection the “lynchpin of the Christian faith.” And it is. Paul says that “if Christ has not been raised our preaching is…